Saturday, August 13, 2005

E in Conversation

38. "If a word is longer than 8 syllables then it should be called a sentence."

Said on 8/12/05 to my wife after seeing a spelling bee on television. There is no need for just one word to be longer than an average sentence yet these little Pakistani kids were spelling them like they use them in everyday conversation.
Floccinaucinihilipilification? Pleeeeeese! Slap a few spaces in there, some punctuation, and you have a nice paragraph.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

E original word

37. "Shock Joust" (shok)-(joost, judst) also just (just)

1. v, To joust using high voltage cattle prods in lieu of traditional lances.

2. n, An improvised game that came about out of boredom and most often played at frat houses after the tapping of a second or third keg.

Blogged on 8/6/05 in a post about Parapeligic Jousting.