Sunday, May 29, 2005

E original phrase

23. "Petro's-Where arteries go to clog."

Said on 5/28/05 as I passed a Petro's restaurant. Petro's is an East Tennessee chain of restaurants famous for their Chili and Chips and anything else full of phosphates and nitrates. I insert the names of other restaurants when I feel particularly hostile towards it. For example, "Taco Bell-Where arteries go to clog". You can insert people's names as well, "Grandmother's for Thanksgiving-Where taste buds go to die". I could spin-off of this phrase all day but I won't, that's your job. Click on the comment link below and post some of your own.

Friday, May 27, 2005

E in writing

22. "I've got some Wookie in me."

Written on 5/27/05 in the post below in reference to how hairy I am.

E in conversation

21. "I've got too much surface area on my body to wait for evaporation to take its due course."

Said on 5/27/05 when my wife asked me why I was using the hairdryer. I shave my head so it raised some questions when she heard the hairdryer shortly after I got out of the shower. I was in a hurry and the towel just wasn't doing the job so I used the hair dryer. I've got some Wookie in me so it helped dry the hair on me arm, legs, chest, ect.....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

E in Conversation

20. "I'm so glad I'm a man trapped in a man's body."

Said on 5/25/05 after attending my wife's appointment with the Obestraician. We got to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. The baby was just 1.54 cm or roughly a half inch, yet it had a heartbeat! The nurse clocked it going 158 beats per minute.

Friday, May 20, 2005

E comparison

19. "I've seen Punxsutawney Phil on a sunshiny day for longer periods of time."

Blogged on 5/20/05 on a post regarding the "Bill Pen" and how quick clerks are to draw these pens like six-shooters in hopes of revealing you as a counterfeit. The ink reveals currency that is counterfeit.

E in conversation

18. "Do I look Grey Poupon? I'm a mustard guy."

Said on 5/20/05 when I was questioned whether I knew about Simon Cowell's classical vocal quartet, Il Divo. I'm not a very cultured guy. My likes and dislikes are not all that fine tuned, so I was a bit shocked that someone who new me would pose that sort of question.

E original word

17. "Brain flush".

Blogged on 5/20/05 on my "E original phrase" column as I was attempting to explain the reasons why I feel compelled to write. Basically, my head gets full of so many ideas that I have to empty it from time to time.

E original phrase

16. " Some people would rather burn their biscuits than under cook them".

Articulated on 5/18/05. This thought has been percolating in my head for quite awhile but it was only put into words today. Neil Young had it wrong. It is not better to burn out than to fade away, but work, church, friends and family seem to push and push to that end. Church, in particular, tends to use and reuse the same volunteers over and over again.....Burn their biscuits.

E say it differently

15. "I'm the Scrappy to his Scooby Doo".

Said on 05/13/05 to myself as I was daydreaming about being the musical guest on The David Letterman Show. Muscians are always compared to other musicians. You've heard bands compared to the Beatles, Bob Dylan, or the Rolling Stones, for example. There are some bands that are the staples of musical comparison. This is what I might say if ever in that situation. It's been said many different ways, the most common is saying someone is "second fiddle".

It all seems silly now but I can't help what fantasy pops into my head. This one lingered a bit, but I wasn't absent from reality too long. I'm back now.

E says it differently

14. " My brother-in-law has once again peeĀ’'d in my pool".

Blogged on 05/13/05 in a post I entitled, "A public apology would be candy"! This is just my way of saying my brother-in-law "rained on my parade".

E original phrase

13. "Like water on hot ashes".

Said on 05/11/05 as I was thinking to myself about an idea of mine that never got off the ground and the circumstances that crash landed it.

E original phrase

12. "I'm just empting my head".

Said on 05/13/05 in a comment I posted in response to why I blog. My thoughts and ideas get backed up in my head, so periodically I have to do a brain flush. That is why I must write, otherwise, my ideas would be lost forever.

Voice in my head

11. "Tonight is dealers choice"!

Said on 05/10/05 in a conversation I was having with myself and I can't really elaborate any further. It'll be my mystery quote.

E in conversation

10. "I'll be ok if I have enough to live on and enough to die on".

Said on 5/11/05 during an instant message conversation with my buddy Chris, from Ohio, talking about our dependency on money.

Voice in my head

9. "I am my brain cell's biggest fan".

Said on 05/07/05 in a conversation I was having with myself on what I would say in response to why I didn't use drugs. I was heading to a Widespread Panic show and I knew I would be offered some. I wanted to already have my game together.

E in conversation

8. "I laughed out loud inside my head".

Created on 05/02/05 in an instant messenger conversation. I can't remember what it was about.

Voice in my head

7. "Live your life like you are being watched through a dome security mirror in the corner of the beer cooler at the quickie Mart".

Created on 04/26/05 while I was in the shower. It's still the best place to think.

E in conversation

6. "You are the Ohio me and I'm the Tennessee you. Can we even exist on the same point in time and space"?

Said on 4/26/05 during an instant message conversation with my buddy Chris, from Ohio, about how much our life experiences were the same.

E in conversation

5. "I'm cold, baby. I'm over here rubbing my legs together like a Boy Scout starting a fire. Do I have to earn a badge to get some covers over here"?

Said on 4/25/05 My wife and I were in bed and she was hogging all the covers.

E original phrase

4. "It's ear crack"

Said on 4/25/05 When asked why so many people take up guitar and then can't put it down. The sound is addicting.

E says it differently

3."It's like I'm a fish looking out at everyone through my fish bowl thinking, man, I wish I had legs"

Said on 4/25/05 during an instant mssg conversation with a buddy. My point could have been easier stated had I just said, "the grass is always greener on the other side of fence", but that's a tired saying.

E original word

E original phrase

1. "She rides shotgun on the crazy Train"

Journalled on my blog on 04/07/05. This is a new sub-genre of Hip-Hop that samples Bluegrass.